Another Gift from Mary Helen Fein

Okay. So, I decided to read another of Mary Helen’s books, Loss of Deliverance, just to see what it was about. All I can say is, big screen producers really miss the mark sometimes! This book should be made into a movie!

It is the remarkable story of artistic Claire, coming of age in the 1970’s: adventurous, naive, beautiful, daring, and foolish, as she enters the world of marijuana smuggling.

Through escapades in a sailboat crisscrossing dangerous waters, the reader learns along with Claire, the rigors and skills of ocean sailing. (Don’t we all love to vividly experience, through reading, something we would never do in real life!)

Eventually, Claire graduates into the cocaine business, becoming the “innocent” business woman, flying commercially with thousands of dollars taped to her body.

With clarity and sensitivity, Mary Helen develops complex characters–the “bad guys,” who are as naive as Claire in many ways, and Claire, living too close to the edge.

This is a must read! ($11.99 on Amazon.) Meet Mary Helen on her website:

2 thoughts on “Another Gift from Mary Helen Fein”

  1. Mary Helen is such a wonderful writer and a valuable contributor to Gold Country Writers in Auburn. She’s a living example of how to savor the retirement years. Can’t wait to read her book.

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