Julie Barnum Writes a New Chapter

Creative women live creative lives. When fate closes one chapter, we write a new chapter. Such is the life of Julie Barnum.

From a career as a young banker in L.A.; to life in France with her husband, Robert, developing a financial training program involving, literally, millions of people; to the establishment of a successful consulting/advisory business based in New York City, to a bright new chapter as Julie and Robert adopted a precious baby daughter from China, (Dominique, who is graduating Summa Cum Laude and a Phi Betta Cappa from college this month); to a move to Lake of the Pines to be near Julie’s beautiful, 99-years-young mom, Bernice, Julie has embraced each new chapter.

Now, with Robert’s death, the gradual launch of Dominique into her adult life, and Bernice still living independently, Julie says, “I find myself living alone in that big house!”

Remember, Julie, you are not alone. We women of Bright Ideas are with you in spirit. Your creativity will serve you well as you reinvent yourself again, in this daunting new chapter of your life! 

9 thoughts on “Julie Barnum Writes a New Chapter”

  1. What a beautiful story and lovely picture. You look like a survivor and with your daughter and mom by your side you will thrive! Your cherished memories of your husband will keep you strong and comfort you forever…I promise 🌹

  2. Janice I Rosenthal Rock

    Loss is always hard. Once the initial excruciating pain subsides, I pray you’ll find new motivation and impetus to delve into this new season of your life, and find fulfillment, peace, and yes . . . joy!

  3. What a wonderful and amazing life you have led! Your daughter reflects the fine parenting that you and Robert accomplished. And how great that you still have your Mom around (have to admit, I’m envious; my mother passed away in 1998 and I still miss her). I just know you will fill your life with quality activities, interests and friends.

  4. So sorry for the loss of your husband. I lost mine 11 years ago and I think of him every day. It helps to think the good times we had together and keeping myself busy.
    Anna Anderson,
    Creative Corner Co-op Member

  5. Bonjour, Julie:
    Parlez-vous francais.?
    Powerful story.
    Congratulations to you…3 generations!
    Je demeure a Lincoln, Ca
    Je suis nèe et grandi a Chateauroux, France.
    Je vous souhaite grand courage!

  6. As Julie probably knows by now, change is hard. With time and patience, new ideas and meaningful activities will fill you up once again. You are 3 generations of beautiful, creative and productive women. Here’s to a new chapter!

  7. Bev Bower
    Wow, what a nice story.
    Congrats to the graduate. I’m impressed with all of you

  8. What an adorable picture! God Bless all of you! You have accomplished a great life for
    Your adopted beautiful daughter! So Happy your Mom is still with you also! This is Mary Theresa Hennings, I wrote the book, “Dance and Pray Your Blues Away”

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