Sandra Main: Head Gardener

“There’s always something green around me,” says Sandra Main, Head Gardener of Backachers, the Rock Creek Mobile Home Park community garden. “When I moved into the mobile home park in 2013, I took on a problem-patch of ground in Backachers.  I loved the challenge. At the time, my plot wasn’t home to one single worm! Worms, you know, are the hallmarks of rich, fertile soil. Instead of worms, the dry, parched ground was covered with ants–not a good sign for growing things. So, I dug out the rocks and covered the area with my rich, dark, garbage-can compost. I believe in organic gardening, especially since I’ve been a total vegetarian for years. And I advocate against poisons like Round-Up, which kills—and keep killing—every living thing it touches.

I want to be near my plants every day, so I water all my plants by hand. Plants only grow with the blessings of a loving creator. In my garden, I’m working hand-in-hand with Him!”

Thank you, Sandy. I couldn’t have said it better myself!  Sheila

8 thoughts on “Sandra Main: Head Gardener”

  1. Love that, Sandy! I met my, now garden buddy, Harvey, back in the summer of 2013. I was helping to care for Eleanor Feiguth while she was recovering from foot surgery. As I was admiring his #1 spot, I saw this sign “You’re never closer to God than in a garden.” And why not? I read that it’s where it all started!

  2. Love your pleasant attitude!!
    I agree, plants are a gift from our Creator. It’s up to us to nurture and protect the beauty that God created🙏Thanks for sharing.

  3. Janice Rosenthal Rock

    Love Sandy’s “philosophy” of gardening! I too, love to water my plants by hand . .. that’s my own personal “meditation” time, talking to Him and the plants!! After all, He is the one who gives them to us! Cheers to all the Backachers! I have chosen raised beds at my house, so I try to avoid back aches!!! LOL!!

  4. Sandra Main….My kinda gal! I also grow a garden using compost from our scraps. It’s like watching a miracle every day when the plants grow and yield vegetables and herbs. Nice photo, fellow gardener.

  5. Chris and I have been Backachres gardeners for over ten yrs. Our plots have always been near or adjacent to Sandy’s and the shared ideas and support for our efforts are a blessing. Her remarkable energy and love of the natural world helps to keep the garden a community effort . We love you Sandy!

  6. Thank you for your beauty, Sandy! And thank you, Sheila, for your terrific interview. You’re such a good writer. This reminds me of a hymn we sang growing up …”A Grateful Heart a Garden Is”. Thank you both for sharing your precious gifts. Donna

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