Janelle Avery’s Happy Hens!

If I was a hen, I would peck happily around Janelle Avery’s Fluffy Butt Farm! I would gossip with the 24 other happy hens, clucking and growing more beautiful every day. I would rest my soft little behind on a nest and lay colorful, organic eggs that make health-conscious folks say, “Wow!” I would listen for Janelle’s sweet talk, as she calls us by name, keeps our homestead spotless, and tucks us in each night, safe from woodland creatures who would … never  mind! And, anyway, two strutting roosters, scared of nothing, would always be watching over us!

Did you know–if you don’t wash natures’ invisible film from free-range eggs, they can stay fresh on the counter for three weeks—or in the fridge for months? Just ask Janelle’s customers. You can become a customer by calling 916-759-9045. Sometimes there are so many treasures in our nests, Janelle donates dozens to worthy causes.

If only I was one of Janelle’s hens! Life would be so sweet! 

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