Justene DaCosta’s Diamond Art

I was sauntering through the Senior Center Arts and Crafts show when I saw a table covered with diamonds. Behind the table sat 85-year-old Justene DaCosta, a tiny diamond of a woman, with a welcoming smile.

“My goodness!” I said. “What pretty things you make!” Justene nodded. “It’s diamond art!”

“How in the world …? ” I asked. “They come in kits,” she explained. “I glue one diamond or bead at a time, by the number.” 

“You must have good eyes and a lot of patience!” 

“Yes, I have good eye-hand coordination—and as for patience, I tell my friends at Auburn Ravine Terrace that diamond art keeps me from running the streets at night!”

 I looked at sparkling Justene more closely. Yes, she could definitely be a Hell-Raiser, if given the chance! I bought a sparkling feather. I’ll always think of Justene when I admire it, there on my curtain. 


5 thoughts on “Justene DaCosta’s Diamond Art”

  1. I have never seen this medium before… it’s lovely! It also reflects her bright spirit.

  2. Janice I Rosenthal Rock

    What an eye for color Justene has!! That featured feather is stunning!

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