Terry Wicks’s Forever Home

Sometimes when I meet a creative senior woman, I don’t know which of her amazing accomplishments to feature first. Terry Wicks is such a woman. Today I’ll tell you about my visit to her park-like property in Penryn, California.

Maybe the best way to convey what Terry has accomplished is to tell a bit of her story. Sixty years ago, as an abandoned young mother with five children, she was drawn to the Penryn area, where, with the help of good neighbors and her creative ingenuity, she became able to purchase 7.2 acres of fertile, Penryn land. She homesteaded, building a house and outbuildings. She raised happy chickens—and children! She nurtured fledging trees—redwoods, weeping willows, and others too numerous to name. Today, these majestic trees tower over Terry’s ranch, where 54 grandchildren and great-grandchildren have come to play!

Thank you, Terry, for showing us your forever home—a testimony to what one woman’s hard work, creativity, and faith in the future can do. 

4 thoughts on “Terry Wicks’s Forever Home”

  1. What an amazing woman. I would love to know more about her journey. A biography just waiting to be written!
    Terri takes creativity and fortitude to a whole new level.

  2. It’s hard to say whether Terri’s ranch is the most astounding thing about her or her life story. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met!

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