Robin Orack’s Creative Identity

Robin Orack is Jewish and a believer in Christ. Her creative blending of these two identities results in fascinating challenges. Each year she travels to Israel and volunteers with Bridges for Peace, an organization dedicated to supporting Israel and building relationships between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world. On solitary walks through the streets of Jerusalem, she snaps photos of elaborate headdresses worn by both Arab and Jewish women, climbs hills with views of the city, listens to calls to worship, and observes Jews and Arabs riding on the bus, side-by-side. (Something we don’t see on the 6 o’clock news!)

When her commitment in Israel for that year is completed, she hurries back to her homeland, America. Her walks then take her to the Sierra Nevada mountains and the foothills of the Gold Country.

Creating an identity is a challenge for everyone, but for Robin it involves merging cultures, religions, ideals, and allegiances. It’s not easy. But if you talk to her, you’ll discover she does it amazingly well!

10 thoughts on “Robin Orack’s Creative Identity”

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you for the message. Yes, I do celebrate the Jewish holidays and they are coming up soon. Being in Israel during the holidays is also amazing.

  1. Janice I Rosenthal Rock

    What an absolutely wonderful and much needed mission!! Blessings to you as you continue this important work, Robin. Oh that we had more love, peace, understanding and caring in this world!! I can only imagine!!

  2. As Robin well knows, the basic tenets of both religions are very much the same. This is especially true when it comes to relating to others. Bless her for seeking in-depth knowledge and exploring the beauty in each.

  3. Enjoyed your article. I would love to go with you. Get to know you. Thank you for spreading the love of Jesus into far away lands. God bless you.

  4. Thank You for this wonderful article! I would love to meet you! God Bless you! I knew another person, just like you! Enjoyed her visits so much! So happy you can travel to all those beautiful Godly places! 🙏❤️🥰

  5. You amaze me! What a wonderful adventure – shining the light of Christ and making a difference in the Holy Land! The Lord bless you and keep you always.

  6. Wonderful article- thank you for volunteering! Did you make that headgear shown on the woman at the wall? I might like to buy one if I can see it in person. Thank you!

    1. Hi Donna
      There were many beautiful creations Robin photographed on the streets–too many to include in the post, I’m sorry to say. I was amazed at the creativity and beauty of the designs, as well as the beauty of the women of all ages. Thank you for commenting. Sheila

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