Sandy Strautman’s Lovely Smile

When we first meet someone, we think, Oh, she has a lovely smile …. a new friend …. how nice! Then, off we go, enjoying her company.

Since writing Bright Ideas, though, I ask a new friend questions—and the things I discover astound me! Take, for example, Sandy Strautman.

Sandy appeared as a newcomer in our Italian reading group. Upon being introduced, I thought all those things above, plus, Oh, she loves Italy, like me! But when I questioned her a bit, I learned a lot more:

Sandy plays classical flute and guitar, and that’s not all. In fact, Sandy plays 26 instruments! She has taught music and, at one time, she taught ukulele to 5th graders in Meadow Vista. Now days, she performs around town with the Gold Country Band and the Auburn Winds.

I attended a Gold Country Band performance and loved hearing Sandy play her flute and banjo.  You can see her perform with the Auburn Winds on October 13, at the Octoberfest in Auburn.

So much talent and creativity lie behind Sandy’s lovely smile! 

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