Libby Worden Rolls with the Thunder!

Two weeks before Memorial Day, 40-50 motorcyclists visit local veterans’ facilities and give a presentation to wide-eyed children at Bowman School. Then, they hit Interstate 80, on a 13-day, National Veteran’s Awareness Ride, from Auburn to Washington D.C., paying homage to veterans at key points (veteran’s hospitals, cemeteries, etc.)

Libby Worden follows the roar, blogging each day’s adventure late into the night. Still, she is ready at 6:30 a.m., for “kickstands up,” as the bikers hit the road.

The trip culminates when the NVAR motorcyclists join other bikers, thundering into Washington memorials: the Tomb of the Unknown at Arlington National Cemetery and finally, the Memorial Day parade.

Back home, Libby and her husband’s motorcycle patriotism is not done. They also work with the Christian Motorcycle Association—supporting veterans, past and present—through Christmas toy drives, Forgotten Soldier events, laying wreaths with Wreaths Across America, and serving hot drinks to participants in the Auburn Veterans’ Day parade.

Wow! When we hear motorcycle thunder, Libby, we’ll know you’re there. Thank you for your service! 

12 thoughts on “Libby Worden Rolls with the Thunder!”

  1. Great to hear that you are still riding! My sister does the same with her husband in Orange County( they are 72 & 79 yrs old) driving his Harley!! So glad you are active in our community.

  2. Janice Rosenthal Rock

    We cannot do enough for our Veterans!! They are SO deserving! And, of course, I love “lady bikers”!! What a fun way to serve! Thank you Libby, and all your fellow bikers, for all you do!!

  3. Whether they are in small groups or massive like the DC event…. they are awesome patriots that do wonderful things for their local communities. Kudos to every single one of them.👍

  4. Elizabeth Benham

    Great post! It’s a piece of information most people would not know. Libby is doing wonderful work on behalf of our veterans while enjoying the road with others who share the vision. Thanks to all of these great patriots.

    1. Libby Taylor-Worden

      It’s a little known fact that the ride to DC has started in Auburn, CA, for over 20 years. If you ever want to see them take off, we leave at 8 am on Wednesday, 12 days before Memorial Day (this year 5/14), and ride through downtown’s Lincoln Ave before getting on Highway 80 at Elm Street. (Bring a flag to wave.)

  5. I’ve seen the motorcycles – and heard them of course… most impressive! Thank you, Libby, and to your husband for doing all that generous, meaningful and fascinating work with our veterans and other groups. Donna

    1. Libby Taylor-Worden

      Yes, it’s hard to miss us when we pack ride. I love to wave at the kids in cars who hear us coming up behind their car.

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